Daily NaNoWriMo Writing Updates for “Legion on the March”

We are two weeks out from NaNoWriMo and my latest project “Legion On The March.” This is going to be the first book in my new “Legion of Solon” series. The most exciting thing for you, my readers, is that I plan to live blog the writing of this book.

NaNoWriMo-crestWhat does this mean? It means I will post daily (usually) chapter updates as I write them for the NaNoWriMo contest. This is kind of scary for me since it means you get to see my crappy firs drafts. I know, “Everyone’s first draft is crappy,” you say. Still it will show you the beginnings of this story in all its raw glory. You will see some things that will not make it into the final edit of the book and you’ll see some things that might move or change later on.

I’ll publish the whole month long as I complete each chapter. I usually write a chapter a day when I write first drafts. This translates to about one blog post each day. I’ll publish a disclaimer with it so you know that it’s not a finished work and will be full of errors and other raw writing issues.

Stay tuned for more as we get closer to the 1st of the November! If you want to join the adventure and start your own novel, visit NaNoWriMo.org and we can become writing buddies!

Legion of Solon Wallpaper
